De maan neerhalen

Geplaatst op 1 juli 2012 door Emmy in Spiritueel, Zon en Maan Illustraties / 2 Comments

I have so much inspiration the last few days! So I am uploading something again! Too bad the drawing is made on A3 and I am not able to scan it on that size right now. So, that’s why it is a picture. So, the colours are much brighter in real.

This piece is based on a wellknown moon(goddess) ritual in Paganism called ‘Drawing down the Moon’. I wanted to practise more of my watercolouringskill (and fluid mask!) and I wanted to use a limited amount of colours. Which worked for me!

The ritual itself is to invoke the spirit of the moon or the goddess and let her energy be close to us. It’s all about blessing and celebrating the female expect of life.

Watercolour and ink, with a little use of copic marker. A3

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