
Geplaatst op 29 juni 2012 door Emmy in Spiritueel, Zon en Maan Illustraties / 0 Comments

This is Arianrhod a Celtic (Welsh) goddess associated with the moon, fertility, rebirth and the weaving of cosmic time and fate. One of her symbols is a silver wheel which is the moon. Also ivy and the owl is connected with her..

She can be seen as a triple goddess, because her story is all about the wheel of fate. She starts as an virgin, but ends up to have 2 sons.

This piece started as an experiment working with masking fluid.. I learned so far the paper I used here is not the happiest choice for using masking fluid.. Some pieces are totally ruined! However, I did enjoy working on it and I am happy with the outcome. Wish I used different colours for the background though. More luck next time!

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